One year ago today my wonderful FI proposed to me in Cannon Beach, OR overlooking Haystack rock. It was the most beautiful sight and one of the best moments of my life. I cannot believe all of that was a year ago already, I cannot believe we’ve been planning for a year and we will be married next week. Everything is so very exciting right now. I find myself reflecting at the strangest moments of my day [due to wedding excitement and, in part, to impending menstruation]
When I was 22, just before meeting FI, I was so content being single. I was single all through college, with the occasional fling here and there, but mostly used that time learning to be independent and proud in my own skin. Grad school really helped solidify that for me, my chosen field helped me identify with being a professional and accepting social responsibilities. I learned even more about myself, about my strengths and weaknesses [and learned that I was definitely not a republican]. That was six years ago. In September of 2002 I met FI. We didn’t get off to the best start and really felt each other to be brash and conceded [and hot]. But eventually, we found ourselves on the same page more often than not. I never thought I could actually be with someone this long and not get sick of them. Furthermore, I was never keen to the idea of living with someone and having them around you ALL OF THE TIME. And although I have those evenings when I wish I didn’t have to explain to someone why I feel like a limp noodle and want to lay on the couch or just come home from work eat a bowl of ramen and paint my nails without asking what someone else wants to do or eat – but those days are few and far between – I love cohabitation. Yes, living in SIN rocks. I love having someone to cuddle with at night, someone to cook food with, go to for advice, and someone to talk to while I poo [boundaries and modesty are a thing of the past ladies].
I made the very best choice in the world for a husband and answering “Are you Serious?” one year ago, transformed this crazy love friendship into forever. It was the day that FI said, "I do, do you?" that set the ball rolling. We were very adamant that during our ceremony we don’t want the Rabbi to say “today is the beginning” because for us, it’s not. It’s a great building point for “something more”, but our adventure began almost six years ago when we met, and 6 months later when we started dating, even more when we moved in together 15 months from that. We grew when we bought our first house in 2005 and when he started medical school in 2006. We've grown stronger and closer with each job I’ve loved and hated and each new place we’ve traveled to. We’ve grown a lot over the last year of wedding planning and even in the last week of reminiscing and appointments. We will live our adventure right up until we say ‘I do’ next Friday, and then we’ll turn around, dance with friends, and live it some more. I have an amazing life and a great person to share it with. Yay to our ENGAGEMENTAVERSARY! Cheers to us!!
16 hours ago
You guys are so cute I want to throw up. I mean that in a good way.
Awwww... I can't wait to see you guys next week!
Umm, I just got choked up in my cube. Can you please get married already?
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