I heart this card via Snarky Cards
Have I told you that I am AWESOME at making iced sugar cookies FROM SCRATCH? Well I am. And I'm not just saying that I'm awesome because I think I am - my husband (who won't even admit that I'm funny - let alone hilarious) even says they are awesome. My brother swoons over them and my mom can't get enough. I used to make them for Christmas, but now with the whole Jewish thing my cookies are usually in the shape of the Star of David around December. My pumpkin-shaped lovelies were DEVOURED at Thanksgiving and I cannot wait until I have kiddies old enough to squeal with excitement over the tin of sweets I made for them to open on Valentine's morning just like my mom used to do.
EN-EE-WAY, today during my bed rest blog surfing I came across something I MUST HAVE. NEED IT.
Customized letter cookie imprints rock! If you break up with your man, I promise I'll make you a cookies (or two) that says, "He Sucked"
Now isn't THAT romantic? Totally better than those chalky, generic conversation hearts with the aftertaste of sucking nickles. These cookies SAY IT ALL.

via Williams-Sonoma
I saw these for the first time today and think they're awesome! Normally I boycott WS because I'm so jealous I can't afford any of their awesome wares, but I may have to buy these!
Those look as pretty as they do delicious.
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