Thursday, May 28, 2009

I have people like Matt Lauer for breakfast

Each morning I awake to the dreadful sound of my alarm clock blasting the same EE-ERR-EE-ERR-EE-ERR I've heard since the second grade when my mom went back to work and I was forced to get up on my own. I slam my hand around on the end table until I've successfully silenced the ear-bleeding beep (and my back up cell phone alarm). Then, I rEEE-CH over and click the remote to turn on the TV.

Ah, Helll-ooo Matt Lauer.

(I think he's kind of dorky, which of course makes me *swoon*, even in the morning)

This morning, Today had a powerful story about triplets who were burned in a fire twenty years ago, the same fire that took the life of their mother. Burns as a constant reminder of losing your mother - my heart broke. The story was about new laser technology which is helping the girls to eliminate their burn scars and stimulate the collagen underneath.


Before I could say it out loud, there she was. The same blond doctor who started my tattoo removal was ADMINISTERING THEIR TREATMENT -- FOR FREE! Dr. Waibel graduated from the same medical school husband is attending and practiced here in Dayton until a few years ago when she left Ohio for a swanky clinic in Palm Beach where she works with a cutting edge researcher who is pioneering laser skin technology.

I sat there hoping that, one day, blond doctor can help Nie and Mr. Neilson too. When they're ready.

I guess leaving me and Tweety here in Dayton was a good move after all.

You can see the ABSOLUTELY TOUCHING story on the TODAY SHOW web page AND read about them in the June edition of Glamour Magazine.

You can read more about my tattoo removal HERE and HERE

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Matt Lauer is pretty dreamy. Also, I think your former doctor being on TV means you're sort of famous now.