Sunday, September 7, 2008

Every baby's vote counts!

Yesterday was a beautiful day, amazing! DH and I spent the day together. Mostly running errands - but together none the less. We had to buy a baby gift for a shower we are going to this afternoon. This conversation transpired:

Scene: Two gorgously attractive married people pull into the parking lot of an overpriced baby retail establishment. Attractive wife it excited to visit this store for the first time and strapping husband looks less than enthused.

Him: So why is it that Toys R Us sells Toys, but Babies R Us doesn't sell babies?
Me: Because that would be illegal.
Him: Well I still think it's weird. Have I ever told you that before?
Me: No. And if you did, I blocked it out.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I would buy a baby at the store if it meant I didn't have to squeeze it out my vajayjay.